Hi, I’m Pavel Zelenin. I’m a financial professional with lots of experience in trading, Eurobond trading and team management. I started out with a strong technical foundation in nano-technologies and power engineering, which I later expanded into the finance sector as an OTC trader. Now, i want to use my skills and knowledge to work in data science or backend development, where I want to bring analytical rigour and automation to real-world challenges.
My Background
I’ve been working in finance for over eight years now, specialising in executing clients’ orders on different markets and Eurobond trading. As a trader, I used my programming skills to automate daily tasks, using languages like VBA to streamline trade calculations and reporting. My experience in metrology engineering also gave me an eye for precision and adherence to standards, which have served me well throughout my career.
In 2023, I did a professional retraining programme in Data Science at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). I got to work with Python, machine learning, and data analysis, which really helped me to decide that I want to build a career as a programmer, where I can use both my technical and analytical abilities.
My Goals in Backend Development
I’m currently studying backend development at School 21, where I’m learning to build robust and scalable systems. My goal is to develop efficient server-side solutions that can support complex applications and handle real-time data processing. I’m particularly interested in designing architectures that ensure data security, performance, and resilience, using both traditional and modern backend technologies.
My Aspirations
I’m driven by curiosity and a commitment to learning, and I’m currently focused on building expertise in backend development.
My Website
This site is my digital portfolio and journal of my journey. I’ll be sharing projects, thoughts, and resources that I find valuable along the way. If you have any opportunities for collaboration or would like to connect, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to connecting!
Pavel Zelenin